Florida GOP

Monday, August 26, 2019

Asher’s Extended Ranked Voting!

Hello friends,

I am going to provide an extension of my ranked choice list — just for fun, seeing as my choice for President is Senator Sanders! I still think it’s fun to put these candidates in a list of who I would hypothetically vote for if the option(s) higher up were not running 
or withdrew.

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren
3. Tulsi Gabbard
4. Andrew Yang
5. Kamala Harris
6. Julian Castro
7. Pete Buttigieg
8. Bill de Blasio
9. Marianne Williamson
10. Kirsten Gillibrand
11. Cory Booker
12. Steve Bullock
13. Amy Klobuchar
14. Tom Steyer
15. Wayne Messam
16. Michael Bennet
17. Tim Ryan
18. Joe Sestak
19. Beto O’Rourke
20. Joe Biden
21. John Delaney

Stay groovy,

— Asher


  1. 1. Bernie Sanders
    2. Elizabeth Warren
    3. Tulsi Gabbard
    4. Bill de Blasio

    Sorry Asher this is as far as I can go.
