Florida GOP

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Fundraiser for a Bahamian family in Tampa

Over the past few weeks, we have been working together to help one family from the Bahamas relocate to Tampa. The outpour of support has been remarkable. Folks have donated clothes, kitchenware, bedding, toiletries, toys, and gift cards for both groceries and other necessities. Now that they are here in Tampa, I have one last request, to help pay for two month's rent. The rent for a two-bedroom apartment is only $831 per month. As you can see in the video, the children have started school. The adults are getting their work permits, and soon they will be working. The mother who was already here is working two jobs and hopes to open a Bahamian food restaurant. While they get settled in, they need a little help to pay rent. By covering two month's rent, it gives them security and stability to move forward. So, we need to raise funds to cover two month's rent a total of $1662. So, please click on the link and help this family
get a good start. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to thank everyone in advance for their generosity. To learn more about the family please watch this other video.

    Thank you,
