Florida GOP

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gold Standard Post Debate List

Hello friends,

Feel free to share your own ranked vote list and engage in civil discourse accordingly!

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren
3. Andrew Yang
4. Tulsi Gabbard
5. Julian Castro
6. Kamala Harris
7. Cory Booker
8. Pete Buttigieg
9. Tom Steyer
10. Beto O’Rourke
11. Amy Klobuchar
12. Joe Biden


— Asher


  1. My top 3.
    1. Bernie Sanders
    2. Tulsi Gabbard
    3. Tom Steyer

  2. Agree pretty much with the top 4. I might put Beto ahead of Harris, Booker, and Buttigieg, but it matters little. Definitely agree with Klobachar and Biden being at the very BOTTOM.
