Florida GOP

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Susan Valdes All-Stars

"Many of the names on this list of elected officials who support Valdez don't surprise me. However, there are a plethora of names that do surprise me.
Bill Carlson STRIKE #1
Joe Citro 
John Dingfelder 
Charlie Miranda
Guido Maniscalco
 Mike Suarez 
Harry Cohen
 Janet Cruz 
 Darryl Rouson 
 Fentrice Driskell 
Dianne Hart
 Adam Hattersley
Wengay Newton
Chad Chronister
Bob Henriquez
 Julianne Holt 
Cindy Stuart
 April Griffin
For so many people who demand party loyalty, it's incredibly surprising to see support for a candidate who has REPEATEDLY voted against the Democratic platform and done so often. So much in fact, that she openly jokes about not being partyless". Jessica Vaughn HERE

Pat, Luis and Orlando WTF
Susan Valdes continues to show support for charters, breaking from her party this year as the only House Democrat to vote in favor of expanding the Schools of Hope program critics said would lead to a flood of new charter schools." Beth Eriksen Shoup


  1. No surprise here, a list of EX-GOP or DINOS. Whats up with Kemp?

  2. The Who's who of corporate Dems.

  3. The entire city council supports her. I thought the new members were suppose to change this? Looks like business as usual.

  4. Suarez and Cohen wanted to be our mayor.

  5. John Dingfelder has lost his mind. Seriously, he walks around our neighborhood in a robe asking people if they are interested in selling their homes. The other day I caught him in my driveway as he looked in my window. when I asked him what he was doing, he just smiled and said that he and Darryl Rouson were smoking crack at the playground.

    When I went to a city council meeting last week, Dingfelder was walking around scratching himself. He saw me in the audience and came over and sat next to me, All while the meeting was going on. He got really close to me and whispered in my ear "I'll suck your dick if you get me high". Needless to say i obliged as he is my councilman.
