Florida GOP

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Asher’s Late Post Debate Ranking

Hello friends,

This is late, though I would like to highlight some moments from the Democratic debate some nights ago...

Bernie Sanders, with his commitment to peace and healthcare as a right, did well. Elizabeth Warren did as well, with a similar progressive agenda. Andrew Yang did well, and his points on national security were spot on. He also hit the nail on the head with positive attention to preventing men from joining hate groups. Each of these three have the character, platform, and energy to do well in the general election and beyond!

Cory Booker might have won the night with his comment on cannabis, and standing up for the issue, as well as how it affects people of color. I applaud him for that! I loved Tulsi Gabbard’s message on ending regime change wars per usual, though I wasn’t impressed with how she handled criticism from Kamala Harris—I was not happy with either during that exchange. I liked how Tom Steyer mentioned term limits! I appreciate Pete Buttigieg clarifying that his position would not be to invade Mexico, and I would love to see more common cause between him and Tulsi, rather than animosity. I was not too impressed with Joe Biden (aside from his gaffes, I did like his performance more so this time around), Kamala, or Amy Klobuchar.

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Andrew Yang
3. Elizabeth Warren
4. Tulsi Gabbard
5. Cory Booker
6. Pete Buttigieg
7. Tom Steyer
8. Kamala Harris
9. Joe Biden
10. Amy Klobuchar

Each candidate has their strengths, and we should work to be kind to supporters of each. That is something my first choices are sincere about — Bernie, Andrew, and Elizabeth all have been cordial, and we should follow their example regarding positive discourse! It’s okay to criticize politics and records without unnecessary, personal attacks! As a Bernie supporter, I call on all my fellow Bernie supporters to follow Bernie’s example and refrain from senseless vitriol, especially against others on the left. Enough with the animosity; we need to set an example for strength with decency, rather than strength with venom. Thank you.

— Asher

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