Florida GOP

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


If you are fighting fo $15, I'd like you to keep something in mind.

No progress can be made without some sacrifice. Yes, we live in a failing economy and a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour would provide a significant boost to our economy that reaches beyond the stock markets and into family homes. However, with it will come an increase in the nationwide cost of living as corporations and retailers increase prices to offset an increase in their overhead, which is to be expected in a thriving economy. But who will be left behind? There are millions of people who live in this country whose sole income is Social Security or a veterans disability pension, millions who receive an income that equates to less than $7 an hour. Their income has always lagged far behind cost of living increases and, for many, the large cost of living increase likely to result from a federal $15 minimum wage would be devastating. It will take many years for the Social Security Administration and the Veterans Administration to catch up to the 'booming' economy that doubling the federal minimum wage will create.

If your fight is to assure that every American makes a living wage, be aware that accomplishing a $15 federal minimum wage will not be the end of the fight. Far from it.

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