Florida GOP

Sunday, January 5, 2020

State of the House

Hello Stogie friends,

Whether you are in Florida or Vermont, there is good cause to ensure the robust health of our state legislatures. This means that we need to be vigilant in electing underrated legislators to fight for important issues. Tallahassee needs an overhaul in order to bring real progress to Florida. In the Tampa area, there are already a slate of quality people running for the State House, such as Julie Jenkins, Jessica Harrington, Mark Oliver, and others.

Who do you want to see run for the Florida State House of Representatives? What should the defining issues be? Education, agriculture, environmental protection, gun control, healthcare, public transit, etc...

The same question goes for my fellow politicos in Vermont; here I have less knowledge because I am still learning the ropes. Who should run for what? What are the defining issues here? I see public transit, healthcare, compensation for first responders, bias training, and ADA enforcement as some of them. I am eager to learn more & help Vermont progress into the future. We may have the lowest state budget in the country, though I am positive there are ways to bolster our ability to fund what we need.


— Asher

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