Florida GOP

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Florida Berners pull yourselves together

Dear fellow progressives: pull yourselves together. I know last night was disappointing. However, no one said this was going to be easy or fair. When moderates were losing, they didn’t throw in the towel. They claimed victory, even as they lost. Then they collated. A seventy delegate lead after Super Tuesday (especially with a majority of southern states that will vote red in the general election anyway) isn’t the end of the world, or even close to it.
Pull yourselves out of your depression and get to work. As progressives, we will always have to work ten times harder than the establishment.
There are still over 1,000 pledged delegates on the table, especially in states that Democrats are more likely to win and who lean progressive.

But it will take more work and more organizing. Get yourself to a Bernie event, start knocking doors, get on that Bernie dialer, talk to your friends and family to make sure they are prepared to vote and STOP attacking other candidates. It isn’t effective and it hurts us. Channel that frustration into action. Posting articles about why other candidates suck doesn’t win votes. It just turns off possible allies and it only excites your echo chamber.

Ask yourself: how much work have I done to get my candidate elected? If your not willing to help with the heavy lifting, you’re not really ready for a political revolution. If your not willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone and leave it all on the field, your candidate is never going to win.
I know it’s discouraging, trust me. However, I’m actually pretty impressed and pretty hopeful that Bernie walked out of Super Tuesday only behind 70 delegates. Especially after three ex-candidates endorsed Biden a Monday night. I thought we’d be behind a couple of hundred delegates.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Do boo, organize!
We can still do this! PM me for details on how to get involved! ❤️❤️❤️
Sending you all love! Jessica Vaughn 

1 comment:

  1. If you are in or near Pasco County, We have door knocking and sign waving events all over the county every day except Mondays and Fridays.
