Florida GOP

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Words of Donna Davis

Please stop conflating
moral rectitude with a plan.

Please stop thinking your righteous indignation is an automatic path to victory. We have to do real work in the RW.

Like that Hamilton song, we’re outgunned, out manned, out numbered (polls v. pop.)and certainly out planned. When I watch you berate the folks who fought for the rights you now enjoy, I consider that an intervention is wholly in order. The media you say you hate is misguiding you. You’ve allowed MSM to chart your course and frame your limited thinking.
It’s time to stfu and listen.
It’s time for some good ol’ fashioned organizing.
Intellectual hierarchies are not working -not on political campaigns, not in community activism, and not in community organizing.
It’s time for thoughtful investigation and examination of our current tactics.
When you get your message right, you’ll win.
That’s it. That’s all.

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