Florida GOP

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Ybor City Chicken PSA

1 comment:

  1. Drove down Seventh Avenue this afternoon. The chickens are so enjoying the lack of traffic. They are everywhere. It was cold and misty. Bought an old bleck guy who was lying on the sidewalk a hamburger. He had put his shoe out for donations, but there are very few visitors to panhandle from now. (Actually the sequence was I stopped at the light and gave him money "for a hamburger". Then I thougt that guy is just lying there -- no way he has the strength to go buy a hambureger. Drove through Brger King for a burger fries and coffee and took it back to him) Does anyone kbow where the homeless tent city is? Social distancing or not I would have given him a ride. Odds are high he will die if he has to sleep on the sidewalk this chilly night. On a lighter note, what did Stogie have for lunch. Miss those pics bro.
