Florida GOP

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

You don't have Democratic elections

You can't depend on politicians and reforms that cause more problems. The main reason is you can't fix a system meant to be broken. the movement is issue-oriented and sympatico! with planned✓ organized✓ methods✓ So it is to keep us nimble. But the tactics must change. Engaging outside of the establishment corporate party. As we are under 
one-party rule. 

America is a fascist oligarchy. It's time for us to take direct action. we must shut down locally the structures of the parties. Meaning events, meetings etc we weaken them. Message to the left when it comes to electoral politics it has failed us. but the movement should not be involved in party politics its a distraction. we cannot trust politicians they should never lead this movement ever again. Personal note Dealing with the emotional impact and the hard work from 2016 to 2020 indeed love. It depends on the severity of whether I have the time so I kept my eyes on the prize to move forward quickly. And start trying to organize the US movement. Seeking revolutionaries!!

 What the parties do or don't, its a distraction! we can exert power through direct action would be meaningful to The desperation and need of the American to obtain people basic human rights in this country. Right now we have to take direct action and shut the political infrastructure down!

Jason Bardo Rodriguez

"We need organization that no one downtown loves, we need one that's ready and willing to take action! any kind of action! not when the man sees fit! But when we see fit, by any means necessary. let's agree that the blow must be struck let us agree on what type of blow must be struck and at whom the the blow should struck and those who don't go along with that strike we can struck them first" Malcolm x

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