Florida GOP

Monday, May 4, 2020

“Stogie Approved” Progressives for Office

Hello friends, I am writing this article to reinvigorate the desire for quality local candidates. Who do we have running in the Tampa Bay and Bennington areas who will stand up for the people?

First of all, what qualities are we looking for in candidates for local and state office? Specific platform positions, experience, character? We are certainly looking for an “all of the above” scenario. What does that look like? I will share a few candidates who I believe meet these criteria, and I hope to hear back from others regarding who should run for political office.

I admire Pat Kemp for her work on the Hillsborough County Commission. She has stood up for public transit options and medical cannabis access. I support her re-election.

I admire Gary Dolgin for his community activism. He has shown that he cares about the people and has received a wide variety of endorsements for his Circuit Court Judge campaign. I support his run.

I admire Dane Whitman for his work with local Vermont Democrats. Going from being a student at Bennington College to running for the Vermont House of Representatives is an exceptional transition, with leadership roles in between. I support his run.

Who else deserves spotlight as Stogie approved local and state candidates?

Stay groovy,

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