Florida GOP

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Bernie Sanders: Police State

We are in a very dangerous moment in American history.
Last month, as you'll recall, Trump had peaceful protestors outside of the White House in Washington, D.C. viciously attacked by federal agents who wore no identification.
As we speak, in Portland, Oregon, federal agents in combat gear and unmarked vehicles are pulling protesters off the streets and jailing them without charges, despite opposition from local and state officials.
What Trump and his allies are now doing is "normalizing" the use of federal troops to patrol and make arrests of American citizens in communities throughout the country. Today it is Portland, Oregon. Tomorrow, Trump is suggesting it could be New York City, Chicago or Philadelphia. Next, your hometown.
This is what a police state is all about.
Too many Americans fought and died to defend American democracy to let President Trump move us even further in an 
authoritarian direction.
And that is why I am asking you to join Senator Jeff Merkley and me in making your voice heard.
Add your name: Defend the right 
of Americans to peacefully demonstrate

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