Florida GOP

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Florida GOP Mitch Thrower's Abundance of Caution

As many of you know, I have been publicly asking my opponent Mitch Thrower to step down from the planning commission because of the conflict of interest tied to his campaign's acceptance of MASSIVE amounts of developer and special interest money/donations which he's taken as a candidate. However, it seems that up until now, Mr. Thrower was resistant to this idea. However, after a fair amount of pressure, Mr. Thrower has done the right thing and stepped down from the planning commission. Although, his campaign has framed it a bit differently. 

I am now urging Mr. Thrower to do the right thing and to also resign from the charter review board; in order to remove any conflict of interest surrounding his campaign and the large amount of money that he's taken from reckless developers, special interests groups and lobbyists who hope to gain his favor if elected to the school board. 

It's time to elect qualified public servants who aren't bought and paid for; and who have the passion, experience and the integrity to make our district successful for all of our students, teachers and support staff - equally! Vote for Jessica Vaughn on August 18, 2020. Also, please donate to our grassroots campaign Thank you all so much for your support!

"Big-money developers and PACs have shoveled over $20,000 into Mitch Thrower's campaign for School Board! 🗳 I'm supporting Jessica Vaughn in that race for School Board (District 3). 👩‍🏫 Jessica Vaughn is a teacher who will work for our students — 
not special interests." 
Mariella Smith, Hillsborough County Commissioner 

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