Florida GOP

Monday, July 6, 2020

Tampa’s Castor: A Distrusted, Unrepentant Racist

Her actions as Tampa’s police chief from 2009-2015 undermined race relations and her inaction to repair them as mayor during her turbulent 14-month tenure lend validity to that perception. Jane Castor wears the title of Tampa mayor but a more accurate representation to the city’s majority of African Americans would be Racist-in-Chief.
"Racial profiling, violation of civil rights, and direct violence are all behaviors and policies that Jane Castor failed to address as Chief of Police. Utilizing tear gas and pepper spray against demonstrators, arresting journalists, and condoning police corruption are all crimes that in any other place would be considered war crimes and crimes against humanity. The recent calls for Chief Dugan to resign were met by the Mayor with a clear statement 
of solidarity.” Chris Cano

The Restorative Justice Coalition is demanding that Castor answer for the 2014 death of Arthur Green Jr., a 63-year-old black elder who had a diabetic emergency.  Tampa Police Department responded by placing him in a similar position as George Floyd, which led 
to his death. 
Jim Bleyer

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