Florida GOP

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Aramis Ayala Endorses Melba Pearson

"I endorse Melba Pearson for Miami-Dade State Attorney. I have known Melba for years and have always admired her consistent fight for truth and justice. She is a woman of action. Melba has stood with me as State Attorney in difficult times because she understands that compromising truth for the sake of comfort does nothing but protect the status quo, and it will not yield the progress that is so desperately needed. With Miami-Dade being the largest judicial circuit in Florida and the 4th largest trial circuit in the country, this is not just a race for Miami. This is a race 
for Florida.
 We need State Attorneys who are in love with justice and bold enough to stand against injustice with new ideas and a fresh vision. We need State Attorneys who understand their job is much more than simply processing cases under the law. It is about an honest pursuit of justice under the law. Finally, we need State Attorneys who have both experience in the system and a proven track record of working to protect communities most directly impacted by the system. There is only one candidate who fits that description. Her name is Melba Pearson." - Aramis Ayala, State Attorney, Osceola-Orange County
#Melba2020 #TeamMelba #MelbaForMiami #27YearsIsEnough 

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