Florida GOP

Monday, August 3, 2020

Sky U. White's Grassroots Campaign

Our campaign is grass roots. Our volunteers are full-time nurses, teachers, small business owners, retired physicians and veterans; people who are committed to see the change that was promised by our prior elected official but never fulfilled. Therefore, who we accept money from is a big deal. We REFUSE to take a single dime from reckless developers and special interest groups.
However, my opponent chooses otherwise.

According to the public Campaign Finance report produced by Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections, Bishop Thomas Scott,my opponent, has received over $20,000 in campaign donations from reckless land developers. One such funder is Stephen Dibbs, a developer who specializes in building sprawling strip malls, commercial plazas and even sued the county in an attempt to build on protected wetlands.


Considering your County Commissioners are responsible for regulating development in our county, the fastest growing parts of District 3 has been over run by urban sprawl, congestion and an increase in housing costs. We have good developers who support affordable housing and we have those who are filled with greed and have no regard to the well-being of our residents.

You elect your Commissioner because you trust them to make the best possible decisions for the people that they represent. Seeing the current state of our district, can we TRULY say we have progressed? We must ask ourselves: What are these developers expecting from their donation?

We are no longer electing politicians who only seek to profit off of the backs of our hard working residents. Please share this post if you stand on the side 
of the people.

Contact volunteer coordinator, Larry Lane at 603-988-7614 to get involved - phonebanks and flyer distribution 
all week.

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