Florida GOP

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Florida Disaster Scenario 2020

For perhaps the first time in our history, ordinary Americans are worried about whether the world’s oldest democracy can actually pull off a democratic election. 

We asked a bipartisan group of five experts to unspool their own specific disaster scenarios. 

On November 19, a skirmish breaks out in Tallahassee between pro-Biden protesters and armed white-nationalist groups. Several people are killed, and multiple buildings are vandalized or burned. The next day, violence and looting continue all over Florida. Several Molotov cocktails are hurled into the state capitol.

On November 21, GOP governor Ron DeSantis mobilizes Florida National Guard troops to “restore order,” and on November 22, after some prodding from the White House, he formally requests that Trump send military personnel to help law enforcement suppress what he describes as “an insurrection.” 

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