Florida GOP

Friday, September 4, 2020

School Board Candidate Jessica Vaughn: Choose Wisely

"I'm incredibly disappointed that I have to write this but...if your "principles" encourage you to support a candidate who openly embraces the privatization of our public schools, a candidate who is best friends with Ken Hagan (a Hillsborough County Commissioner who was/is under FBI investigation for BREAKING THE LAW by leveraging his considerable influence to benefit developers by accepting HUGE BUNDLED contributions from them), a candidate who themselves have taken HUGE BUNDLED contributions from those same developers - despite the fact that accepting those donations put this candidate in a direct "conflict of interest" with the planning commission role he was appointed to by Ken Hagan and a candidate who can't even understand a question about equity within our schools; then you really need to re-evaluate your principles and who you claim to stand for.
Especially if you supported this candidate in a race with five other candidates whose platforms all embraced public schools, safety, education, equity and transparency. Who you support during times like these, speaks volumes about your character. In closing, I'm just going to leave this right here." MORE


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