Florida GOP

Monday, September 21, 2020

Support Pro Disability Campaigns

Hello friends,
Please consider supporting Kathy Lewis for the Florida State Senate, and Lt. Governor David Zuckerman for Governor of Vermont. Both of these candidates discuss people with disabilities in their platforms. Kathy Lewis needs your help to win. David Zuckerman does, too. State Senator from Vermont, Dick Sears, is also supporting people with disabilities with his bill to provide accessible, commercially available legal cannabis to the people of Vermont. He is running for re-election and needs your help. We need elected officials who will take 
our issues seriously.

In the United States, we have an underfunded, under-enforced ADA, absolutely subpar public transit, non-equitable housing being made worse by gentrification in working class neighborhoods, poor healthcare, and a loophole that allows for sub minimum wage to be paid to disabled workers. People with serious disabilities who are on disability welfare lose their coverage should they get married. Mental health is frequently forgotten about, and can cause unnecessary danger for people — especially people of color — with LEOs (Law enforcement officers). Education is at times a nightmare for people with disabilities seeking accommodations, or for the desperate parents of children with disabilities. People with disabilities across the spectrum are grossly underrepresented in government.

The state of disability rights in the United States is atrocious. We need candidates and officials to put our rights on the forefront, and often times, to represent our respective communities. We need people with physical, mental, neurological, & developmental disabilities to see political figures fighting for them, and representing their communities. We need to see more people like Senator Tammy Duckworth, Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, and attorney Haley Moss. We need to support more people like candidate Kathy Lewis, Lt. Governor David Zuckerman, 
and Senator Dick Sears.

Please support good, pro disability candidates for public office, and support the Stogie! We are currently banned from posting blog articles on Facebook; please reach out to Facebook and let them know that they made a mistake in censoring the Stogie! Thank you friends.

Stay groovy,

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