Florida GOP

Monday, October 26, 2020

Vote for Pat Kemp!


Hello fellow Stogie readers!

Hillsborough County, Florida voters, you have some important jobs to do. You have to elect a more decent School Board, more decent slate of state and federal legislators, and a more decent County Commission. In some cases, that involves re-electing quality elected officials who have delivered for their respective communities. One such person is Pat Kemp.

Pat has been on the forefront of issues including environmental protection and public transit expansion. Both of these issues are crucial to the unstoppable expansion of the Tampa Bay Area, as well as the survival of vulnerable communities like East Tampa. We need Pat on the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to fight for expanded ferry & rail transit services; to fight for sensible construction to occur with regard to the environment and people with disabilities; to continue to be an advocate for good cannabis laws.

Please, consider making a donation to Pat Kemp. I have personally donated $20.20 & I encourage you to do the same! Definitely support her, and vote for her if you can. The county needs her.

From the Heart,


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