Florida GOP

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Ybor Supermarket

We all try to do our part, be it large or small. Many of us wish we could do much more but so many things get in the way. Here's a small thing you can do that takes practically no effort. If you frequent 7th Avenue in Ybor City and you need to stop by the 7-Eleven, think about walking a block down the street and stopping into the
Ybor Supermarket
tIt's the white storefront across the street with all the lights (1618 E. 7th Ave.).  It too is a handy convenience store with nearly anything you might need and more and it's a Palestinian owned store. A store owned by a Palestinian family who can't go back to even visit their homeland because of the brutal and deadly occupation of their nation by the Zionist Israeli government. A Palestinian family who has given me the great honor of allowing me to march by their side in their fight to win justice for their family, their community and their nation. Show them a little love and I promise you'll receive ten-fold in return.

And if Sam or Faye are there, tell them 

Glen sent you.

1618 E. 7th Ave - Ybor City

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