Florida GOP

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Total Corporate Commodification

The era of corporate control began in earnest in the early 1970's with the release of "The Powell Memo." Concerned about the rise of mass-movements like the ant-war movement, the environmental and women's movement, influential corporate attorney, William Powell-later appointed to the SCOTUS by Richard Nixon circulated a memo to corporate boards and CEO's urging them to put forth as much resources as possible to turn the federal judiciary into a pro-business jurisprudence to counter the rise of too much democracy. Now, fifty-years later those efforts have created a total corporate state AND culture. A correlative to this is the after-effect of 9/11 which has permitted the militarization of our culture and non-questioning of defense budgets by the population, the Smartphone which has changed people's reading habits from print-driven critical analysis to a video-driven scrolling that has created a shallow 21st Century U.S. Citizen, and the Citizens United decision which has turned elections into  farcical sports-like spectacles. All the while "We The People" are mere corporate hyper-consumers devoid of original thought. Only an economic collapse can change this arrangement for the future and, more importantly, our collective souls. 

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