Florida GOP

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Help Rep. Maxwell Frost

When I announced I was running for Congress a year and a half ago, more than just a few people counted me out and wrote me off. They said I was too young - that I was setting my sights too high and should run for local office first. They said that because I didn’t have access to a network of wealthy donors who could write big checks I wouldn’t be able
 to fund my campaign.

I was the underdog candidate. No one expected a Gen Z, working class community organizer to win – but that was then.

And thanks to folks like you, Julio, who didn’t count me out, look at where we are now: We proved that Gen Z can run for office and WIN. WE did that. Together.
Now that we finally have a seat at the table, all eyes are on our youth-powered movement to see if we can keep up the momentum and wield our power into transformational change.
But the forces working against our movement haven’t changed a bit. In fact, they’ve ramped up now that I’m in Congress.
Our movement’s unprecedented win sounded the alarm for GOP leaders. They don’t want our generation to have a say in our own future. That’s why they’re already plotting to replace me
 in the next election.


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