Florida GOP

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Rick Scott isn’t helping his case on Social Security and Medicare

When Sen. Rick Scott unveiled his far-right policy blueprint about a year ago, many members of his party weren’t altogether pleased with the Florida Republican. Indeed, Democrats spent much of 2022 treating Scott’s plan like a piñata, and some operatives in both parties believe the Floridian contributed to the GOP’s underwhelming showing in the 2022 midterms.

And yet, Scott keeps digging deeper. The Washington Post reported:
"Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) doubled down Wednesday on a plan that would require all legislation — including that relating to popular programs, such as Social Security and Medicare — to be passed every five years to stay on the books. Scott’s comments, made in a tweet, followed a reference by President Biden on Tuesday night to Scott’s plan, which Democrats used as fodder to attack Republicans in advance of the midterm elections last year."

It was against this backdrop that Scott turned to Twitter this morning, standing by his plan to sunset “all federal legislation” after five years. “If a law is worth keeping,” the Floridian wrote,  “Congress can pass it again.”

Scott added this morning, however, that this doesn’t mean he wants to “cut” Social Security and Medicare. Perhaps not, but that’s beside the point: The senator’s plan was (and is) controversial for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it would sunset the popular social insurance programs, not “cut” them. That’s what Biden said in his address, and it remains accurate.


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