Florida GOP

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Take Action May 26th, 27th, 28th. As citizens, we honor and support our troops for their service and sacrifice.
As Americans, we are blessed by that sacrifice and support, which keeps us safe and keeps us strong.As patriots, we call on our government to support our troops in the most important way it can - by ending this war and bringing them home.
This Memorial Day weekend, we will all take responsibility for the country we love and the men and women who protect it. We will volunteer, we will pray, and we will speak out. Each of us has a responsibility to act, a duty to our troops and to each other. Support the troops. End the war.


1 comment:

  1. Edwards just shot himself in the foot in terms of getting the nomination. This politicization of Memorial Day is a new low for Primp Daddy.

    He's done.
