Florida GOP

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Racist Would Never Move To This Neighborhood
I’m A White Woman Living In A Black Neighborhood
And I’m turning into a racist because of it. I don’t say this proudly; quite the opposite: I am ashamed. But that doesn’t change what I have become. Almost two years ago, I bought a house in Bartlett Park, a predominantly black neighborhood in what we used to call the “south side” but now refer to as “Midtown”. Here I have been forced to acknowledge the racist within me. Please understand: I am not proud of this; I’m simply not willing to pretend......more...via blurbex

Excelent Article From A Courageous Woman

1 comment:

  1. Dear Person,
    You're not a racist. You are having an experience that is not black/white.
    It's GANG. Seriously. I still know the same # of decent people of every race, hue, color, creed, genre, persuasion as EVER. What's going on in bartlett park is similar to MANY neighborhoods. This is not typical of behavior of most black persons or most white persons (though I can't speak for all whites or all blacks) BUT, I KNOW THIS: They are trying to clear bartlett park out to start their 'gentrification' In my neighborhood they are trying to clear ME out to make way for their vision of Las Vegas (gambling license) so all of a sudden black people came out of nowhere trying to start shit. Here's a funny lil secret that busted their asses and displayed the TRUTH!... right inside my home is a picture of a mixed member of my family so they can't go there with me and quickly stopped. They are doing this to you on purpose because they want your home. Once they acquire enough homes in the area the redevelopment on the cheap will start. I'm dead serious. Read about Riviera Beach florida where the developers are suing so that poor and others will be shoved out of their property because some developer asshole came along and despite the fact that families are living in over 1700 homes they saw the waterfront and went in (fully supported by the city scum leaders just like in tampa and st pete)and started stealing property from people. Listen... STAY STRONG. Don't let these street theater assholes ruin the lovely nature of humanity for you. These are not black people but gang members planted there JUST for the sole purpose of scaring out the homeowners that are not part of the new picture. I'd be willing to come take walks with you some time so that you can allow me to point out the difference. Although my valuable and highly sought after property is in tampa I spend a great deal of time in st pete. One day I went to eat at Fortunato's and a TON (at least a dozen) city of st pete code inspectors pushed by me one by one and separately and together and gave me dirty looks or 'accidentally' bumped into me .. the next week the CITY OF TAMPA code people were at my house which by the way has no code violations. As well, the street theater includes 'homeless' people who are no more homeless than you and I and one of them just sat and smirked while this huge big mean looking black guy harassed us. I'm sure he had the full support of st pete code enforcement and cops so I told him to get lost. A. he did not scare me B. he is not homeless. C. he's a frigging gang member working with the city elite (and I can PROVE THIS) to help intimidate us from our extremely lucrative property.
    You are a white woman who is being victimized by a gang. They're using black people because they believe this is where your 'fear factor' lies. It makes me very ashamed for black people who allow themselves to be used by this making their decent black brothers and sisters look bad. It makes me ashamed for white women and white/black/latino code inspectors who will stare, smirk, bump, glare at me and make believe that this is a race thing.

    It's NOT. It's a property grab. Please see it for what it is. I'll be happy to come walk with you and bring along my video camera. Please rethink in your gut what I am telling you. Honestly if you add the lions and tigers and bears you see it for the circus act it is. Shelve your fear. It's about more and less than you think but it's NOT racism. It's lackofdeceny-ism and I'm seeing it from every hue, cry and creed under the sun.
    Please contact me and we'll take that walk. I'll bet it will change the whole scenario. I've been a citizen of the world since birth so I've never had an oz. of bias in my soul/heart. Please rethink this. It's not you. It's gang activity.
