Florida GOP

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

American Family Shocked By Rome's Rage
We Come From A Place Where You Just Don't See This Kind Of Street Protest
For the Cooper family, from Knoxville, Tennessee, visiting Rome was supposed to be the highlight to their two-week vacation in Europe. Instead, they arrived on Saturday to find some of the Eternal City's most famous streets and piazzas packed with tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators protesting against a visit by President George W. Bush on his way home from a G8 summit.......more
"It's tough to take when you see people being so disrespectful of our president,"......Sarah Cooper


  1. Thank you, Rome.

    Pity the Coopers.

    I love where the article says how he avoided the protests as is 'often the case' LMAO !!!
    The point is HE KNOWS.
    Dennis K is making an announcement about progress on impeaching cheney today and now there are 8 congress people on it. buh bye george. The coopers need to come out into the air more often. Good. Go to Europe for your dose of reality. Selective interviewing makes me ill.

  2. Sarah Cooper, it's tough to take when we see people in our own country who don't understand why these people were protesting. Maybe if we had more people in our own country willing to turn out and protest, we could get a president who isn't a disgrace to us and to our country.
