Florida GOP

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Who Is Your Ideal Candidate For President
Stogie's Results: Theoretical Ideal Candidate
1. Dennis Kucinich (88%) - 2. Barack Obama (86%) - 3. Alan Augustson (86%)
4. Wesley Clark (76%) -
5. Joseph Biden (75%) - 6. Hillary Clinton (72%)
7. Al Gore (70%) - 8. John Edwards (70%) - 9. Christopher Dodd (69%)
10. Mike Gravel (65%) - 11. Bill Richardson (64%) - 12. Kent McManigal (56%)
13. Ron Paul (52%) - 14. Elaine Brown (45%) - 15. Mike Huckabee (29%)
16. Rudolph Giuliani (26%) - 17. John McCain (25%) - 18. Chuck Hagel (24%)
19. Tommy Thompson (20%) - 20. Mitt Romney (18%) - 21. Sam Brownback (17%)
22. Tom Tancredo (15%) - 23. Fred Thompson (14%) - 24. Newt Gingrich (14%)
25. Duncan Hunter (10%) -
26. Jim Gilmore (7%)
Get Your Results......here


  1. I took that quiz awhile back and my ideal candidate came back as Ron Paul 100%. Oddly enough, Barack Obama also placed second for me. The bottom of our lists are very comparable. All of the other Republican candidates were at the bottom for me as well.

  2. you have to check those to be sure that they don't come out the same no matter WHAT your input. I would Al Gore and Biden above Obama. AND, what tiny ... said about Ron Paul the other day holds water. He's good at some things but .... if you have any interest in humanity, he misses the boat a lot. Sorry, I liked him too til I read farther.
