Florida GOP

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Evolution Under Siege In Florida

As the Florida state board of education prepared to consider a final draft of a new set of state science standards, Floridians offered their opinions at a last-minute meeting held in Orlando on February 11, 2008. Over eighty speakers addressed the state commissioner of education.......more


  1. I checked my incoming links and found your site linking to this cartoon. Pretty scary what's going on down there. I'm a science teacher as well and even in Flatbush, Brooklyn I encounter religious mythology in the classroom around evolution. Stand your ground.

    Frank Jump
    Fading Ad Blog

  2. Ya, but if we're going to help our children achieve some clarity in their minds we surely don't want to train them to believe it's wrong to say evolution is a theory. Calling something "a theory" is not the same as calling it "just a theory" - all explanatory models are theories. (And if you think I'm an anti-evolutionist, think again.)
