Florida GOP

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Florida Prison Drunken Orgies

Softball, drunken orgies and a prison system run like the mafia. That's what Florida's former prison secretary says he inherited when he took over one of the nation's largest prison systems two years ago. In fact, on his first day on the job, James McDonough says he walked into his office -- the same one his predecessor used -- and there was crime scene tape preventing anyone from entering. "Corruption had gone to an extreme," McDonough said, saying it all began at the top. "They seemed to be drunk half the time and had orgies the other half, when they weren't taking money and beating each other up."........here

Governor Jeb Bush has appointed me Secretary of the Department of Corrections. I am both honored and excited.........James Crosby


  1. thus ends chapter 239 of the Bush Legacy.

    Now if we could only get McDonough to go after the cancer in the White Houise.
