Florida GOP

Monday, July 26, 2010

April Griffin for Hillsborough County School Board

April Griffin is being challenged by a right wing fundamentalist who seems about the worst kind of religious fanatic you can find. His name is Terry Kemple and he is a proud Teabagger. He is an anti-science creationist who also opposes sex-ed in schools and believes in the discredited abstinence only program. This is precisely the kind of fool we want to keep OFF our school boards.
It is exactly this kind of race that gets ignored by progressives, allowing right wing fundamentalists to extend their control.


  1. Stogie, If this is the only challenger April has this is a real problem because SHE NEEDS TO GO. She's done nothing but slip around behind the scenes lying about others and worse. She's PERFECT for this fucked up schoolboard which is WHY she has to go. Get Kemple in there. We'll get rid of him next time but April needs to go back home.
    Lee says it better.
    April is two-faced and dishonest.
    WHY do you choose these people to support??
    Issue voters are very troubling. The gay people are capable of landing their program without april at the helm. In fact, if the gay people were for HUMAN rights I'd be more supportive. RIGHTS FOR ALL not for stupid divisive groups. It's idiotic and distracting.

  2. Griffin is not qualified to flip burgers at McDonalds! She doesn't believe in taking the "business approach" with her GED? Then what approach will she take? A GED is not a high school diploma. You study a three hour exam. In high school it takes years and you are responsible for attendance---Not quite the same as a GED. She is so unqualified and her immaturity and ignorance really shows. She is not finished embarrassing Tampa.

  3. Scott D. Barrish, BSW12:35 PM, August 29, 2010

    Funny how the progressives have been the downfall of this once great nation. As a matter of fact, April Griffin probably couldn't understand half of US histroy due to the fact she couldn't even finish school in the same district she's been a place holder on the School Board!
