Florida GOP

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Renegade Pigs

Are a motorcycle club here in Tampa. The club members consist 100% of law enforcement officers.

Ybor City Tattoo Company Benefit for Fallen Tampa Police Officers Curtis & Kocab

1 comment:

  1. No surprise there. It's how the criminal motherfuckers like Michael Brian Keller and Jose Xavier Tome and the other sheriff wannabes over to the jail (earl harper SS CLASSIFICATION OFFICER) get away with their murdering of police officers. Anyone can read that TPD (hid behind the dumpster) Paul Mumford's story surrounding the GANG HIT MURDER of Officer Mike Roberts has changed more often than women change panties. He HANGS WITH the above named criminal stalkers and the whores they run with. Along with their shitty porn attorney relatives. Best part: The attorney sucks. I heard from a VERY VERY good source. It's the talk of the bar luncheon. PULL HIS CARD, folks.
