Florida GOP

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Crimes Against Humanity

It seems that my memory has been on  steroids these last few days. On this the 10th  Anniversary of the Iraq war there are so many things to remember. Not only the birth of this blog but how hard i tried to show my family and friends the huge mistake we were about to make. I remember Michael Moore and the way he was maligned and ridicule, i remember the Dixie chicks and the way they were treated. I remember the millions of protesters all over the world. I remember the ban on photos of soldiers' coffins as they returned.  I remember Free speech zones (also known as First Amendment Zones) or Free speech cages, I remember our  brave politicians who spoke up people like Florida's Robert Graham, Howard Dean, Lincoln Chafee, Barrack Obama, Carl Levin, Nancy Pelosi, The late Paul Wellstone, Daniel Akaka, Barbara Boxer, Robert Byrd,Ron Paul, Jon Corzine, Richard Durbin,Russell Feingold, Daniel Inouye James Jeffords, The late Edward Kennedy and many more. But most of all i think of this wonderful place called  The Hague in the Netherlands, a place where they take war criminals and people who have committed crimes against humanity. The sad part is there are people that belong there
 that never make it.

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