Florida GOP

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pam Iorio for Governor

Show Pam and Florida that she has the backing of Floridians in this state. Rick Scott must go. When a politician ignores the people of his own state and puts politics before the economy of this great state, it's time for that politician to go. Pam Iorio supported High Speed Rail, she understood the economic benefits for Tampa and what it meant for Orlando and all of Florida. Crime remained low under Pam and she took a very hard but needed fiscal approach to the city budget during the Late 2000's recession. The state needs a politician and citizen like Pam to get this state on to the path of opportunity for all, and not just for the few.
Scott is down 12 points, 52-40; against Pam Iorio in a new Public Policy Polling survey.

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