Florida GOP

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act, SB 1250

The Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act now in the Senate’s Health Policy Committee.
Florida residents are urged to contact committee members and tell them the importance of passing this legislation. A recent poll found 70% of Florida voters, including 56% of Republicans, support medical marijuana legislation in the Sunshine State.
More info here
Senator Aaron Bean (R) bean.aaron.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Eleanor Sobel (D) sobel.eleanor.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Jeff Brandes (R) brandes.jeff.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Oscar Braynon,II(D) braynon.oscar.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Anitere Flores (R) flores.anitere.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Bill Galvano (R) galvano.bill.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Rene Garcia (R) garcia.rene.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Denise Grimsley(R)grimsley.denise.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Arthenia Joyner(D) joyner.arthenia.web@flsenate.gov

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