Florida GOP

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Will Weatherford: What A Funny Guy

"You're just funny, y'know, the story. It's funny. You're a funny guy." Henry Hill
I read with great amusement this morning
Will Weatherford piece in The Tampa Bay Times. He is trying to explain why he and his Republican cohorts in Tallahassee voted against Medicaid expansion in Florida. He states that he is not confident in the feds given the track record of the federal government, which hasn't balanced a budget in years.
(I have smoked a lot of weed in my life but my memory is still sharp) if i remember correctly bill Clinton not only left a balanced budget but a surplus. if it wasn't for the Republicans reckless spending ( Wars on credit, Tax breaks for the rich and corporations) we would not be in the mess we are in. Then he mentions future funding for our schools, public safety, and protection of our beaches and springs. When the hell did his party ever care about teachers or the environment. He keeps trying to dig himself out of the hole he is in and it is not working. Wesley Chapel is just up the road, i will make it my goal to send this man home after his term is up.

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