Florida GOP

Friday, April 5, 2013

Al Higginbotham: Have Recent Votes Hurt His Chances?

The County Commissioner from East Hillsborough is running for a countywide seat in 2014, but some are saying his stand on two recent controversial issues will hurt him in the long run.
Three strikes and you are out. Higginbotham voted agains registry. His religion made him do it. Higginbotham voted for Bass Pro and against small business owners. The next big issue is whether Race Tack gasoline station should build a gas station on wetlands at Kings and Providence. Do you really think it is a good idea to put a gas station on wetlands?..Elizabeth Belcher
Can anyone list for me the good things that Al Higginbotham has done for his district. I am having a hard time remembering when he has stood up for the citizens in District 4. I'd like to hear from the people in the district, not from the developers and the builders,and land use lawyers that have benefited.. Are there any small business people or citizens that he has supported with his votes.?..Grace McComas
Higginbotham has a number of things that will hurt his chances for a countywide seat. He's had issues with telling the truth and/or supporting his constituency. Shall I name a few?
1) He lied when he said he was undecided about Bass Pro until the actual vote took place. Al campaigned hard for the Bass Pro deal. He openly lobbied with people in his district, and then had the gall to say he was undecided.
2) He lied about the fact that he was a partner in his wife's land development company and (which you can't do when you're a commissioner) then when he got caught he said he didn't know he was listed as a VP in her firm. Are you kidding?
3) He said he was never on the board of the Regent (high end catering hall that got built with taxpayer money and still is not a community center) and public records showed he was on that board.
4) He lied when he asked Vin Marchetti (land developer attorney) to select a Planning Commission appointee for him and then when he got caught he said he didn't have the time to do the research.
5) He recently sent gift baskets of strawberries to constituents but the interesting thing was that the strawberries were obtained from a grower in south Florida, not from his constituents in east Hillsborough.
6) He still thinks we should pay for the roads, schools, safety and water instead of developers, as they build new subdivisions. Most taxpayers believe that developers should pay for the impacts of what they build, but Al lets the land developers off the hook because he received over 60% of his contirbutions from those with a financial stake in land development in the 2012 election.
7) He once told a group of community leaders that average citizens were a special interest group, inferring that they were no better than any other special interest group.
Hopefully voters will learn more about the "real" Al when he runs for a countywide seat next year....George

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