Florida GOP

Saturday, April 6, 2013

There Are Principled Conservatives In Tallahassee

 Sen. Jeff Brandes:  bill, SB 864
When a Florida sheriff sternly accuses state legislators of protecting drug dealers and child pornographers, it has a way of getting people's attention. Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri made that assertion in fighting a bill filed by Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg, dealing with police access to information stored on citizens' portable electronic devices such as cellphones and iPads. Brandes, citing the importance of a constitutional right to privacy, wants to change state law to require police to obtain a warrant from a judge before searching cell phone contents.
"Why in the world would a police officer need to search your cellphone if you're driving on a suspended license?"....Jeff Brandes
 "Thank God there are principled conservatives in Tallahassee."....ACLU's Howard Simon
"We think it's another check on the power of the police, and it simply means that they first have to persuade a judge that there's a basis for a search.. Without this rule, it leaves the privacy of people in the hands of a patrolman."....Tim Lynch, Cato's criminal justice unit
Opponents include liberal Democrat Rep. Irv Slosberg of Boca Raton
Great job Mr. Brandes

1 comment:

  1. Stogie are you going to the other side? Shame on you.
