Florida GOP

Monday, January 29, 2018

Exposing Carlos Curbelo

The Miami press is making much noise about the Congressional Hispanic Caucus rejecting entry to Florida's Congressman Carlos Curbelo, and instead accepting Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, a Democratic opponent for Curbelo's Congressional seat in 2018. The claim from the Miami Herald and its Spanish language counterpart "El Nuevo Herald" is that all Hispanics should be allowed to become part of the Caucus. No matter if what you stand for goes against the basic interests of the Hispanic community. 

Even though, Curbelo has cultivated an image of being a moderate in reality he is far from what he claims to be. For example, Curbelo voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) even though in his Congressional District Florida's 26, 20 percent of its non-elderly population is enrolled in the ACA and he voted in favor of that monstrosity once-called Trumpcare. The Caucus is correct in rejecting Curbelo's entry. Being a member of the Caucus it should be to further the interests of Hispanic people not to undermine them. If Curbelo had taken a position against Trumpcare like Republican Senator Susan Collins from Maine did then I could see merit on the complaint. Curbelo's moderation should also be called into question when he decided to vote for Trump's tax cuts. 

Working hard at exposing Curbelo should also be a major task for Democrats in his Congressional District. There is no reason for Curbelo to be holding a seat in a District that it's majority are Democrats. Curbelo's District is the nation's District where Democrats are the largest majority that has a Republican Congressman. 

The "Moderate" Curbelo has voted with the Republican Party on 86.3 of the time so far. He has also voted with President Trump's position 83.6 of the time. And one of those votes against Trump, the TPP ratification, most progressives were agreeing with Trump. Curbelo has cultivated well his moderate reputation, but there is no substance to his overall standing. He voted for the tax cuts at the last minute because as the Miami New Times reported, Curbelo's wife who owns a pass through Limited Liability Company would financially benefit from the last-minute provision in the bill enabling such companies to deduct a larger portion of their profits on taxes, after a provision was inserted in the Act that favored his wife's company. We could safely say that Curbelo is a typical Republican >Greed Over People. 

But, maybe the most important feature in exposing the real Curbelo (He used to say that he will not vote for Trump) are his votes regarding Trump releasing his tax returns forms. When Curbelo was serving on the Ways and Means Committee, he voted against a measure that would have led to a request of the Treasury Department for Trump's tax returns. Curbelo also voted against a resolution that would have directed the House to request 10 years of Trump's tax returns, which would have been reviewed by the House Ways and Means Committee in a closed session. With enemies like these, Trump can tiptoe
 through the tulips. 

Curbelo passes as a friend of the environment, but he supported building the Keystone Pipeline. Curbelo supports increased American involvement in Syria and Iraq. Curbelo supports diverting a portion of the Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts. In short, Curbelo supports privatization of Social Security.

 Curbelo has no business because the Congressperson for Florida's 26th CD. Democrats need to work hard in exposing the fake moderate.

Lorenzo Canizares

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