Florida GOP

Monday, January 29, 2018

Florida GOP Smells The End

The Florida GOP is smelling the mass termination of republicanism in Tallahassee in November and is doing every thing they can to protect their corporate clients before the exodus. 
They have proposed a constitutional amendment that would require a two-thirds vote of the Legislature to increase statewide taxes and fees. They want to put the question on the November ballot.  
Our next governor Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum wants to raise corporate income taxes from 5.5 percent to 7.75 percent, which he says would give about $1 billion to education. 
“Republicans know a blue wave is coming in Florida, and when we're in charge that three decades of corporate tax loopholes will be closed so we can properly fund public schools, expand affordable health care and improve job opportunities and wages," Gillum said. here
10 Dems betrayed us
Kionne L. McGhee
Joseph Abruzzo - Matt Willhite - David Silvers
Al Jacquet - Emily Slosberg - Shevin D. "Shev" Jones
Katie E. Walpole - Patricia H. Williams - Kimberly Daniels

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