Florida GOP

Friday, March 23, 2018

Florida Dems: Silence Of The Lambs

Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East. Since 2015, Saudi Arabia has bombed the entire nation to pieces, starved its citizens via a blockade, caused a deadly cholera outbreak, and allegedly attacked innocent people by using illegal chemical weapons such as
 white phosphorus. 
The United States is actively aiding the 
Saudis in the assault.
Yet despite those well-documented facts, Florida's senior U.S. senator, Bill Nelson, voted to table a resolution that would have pulled America's support for the Saudi-led humanitarian catastrophe.
Yet not a word from the 
Florida Democratic Party!
Where is the outrage?
And you wonder why voters are leaving your party


  1. Shame on Bill Nelson. He has the Yemen people's blood on his hands. https://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/49174-focus-apocalyptic-numbers-the-saudi-trump-war-on-yemen
