Florida GOP

Friday, March 23, 2018

Foul Ball: Stadium Handouts Wrong for Taxpayers

1 comment:

  1. I have never understood how a sports organization with no other purpose than to make tons of money for its owners and players could possibly con those responsible for the right use of tax money to build them a stadium or anything else for that matter. This is just another example of government corruption that's been going on for years. And studies have shown that having a professional sports team in your town isn't going to make much difference at all economically and in fact may be detrimental in that regard.

    Even worse, if I understand correctly, these sports organizations have colluded with our politicians to agree that their teams are "not for profit" and thus exempt from taxation. If this has changed, please correct me, but I learned about it recently and it blew my mind. The Tampa Bay sports teams are "not for profit"? How could anyone say that or think that with a straight face or or uncorrupted mind?
