Showing posts with label #FreePalestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #FreePalestine. Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2024

Top U.N. court stops short of ordering cease-fire in Gaza, demands Israel contain deaths

The United Nations' top court stopped short Friday of ordering a cease-fire in Gaza in a genocide case but demanded that Israel try to contain death and damage in its military offensive in the tiny coastal enclave.....Read More

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

44 House Democrats express support for 2-state solution after Gaza war

Nearly four dozen House Democrats have signed onto a letter calling for a two-state solution to resolve the long-standing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians as war rages in Gaza.....Read More

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Pro-Palestinian protesters say they were attacked with stink bomb at Columbia University

A group of pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University have filed a police report after they claimed two students sprayed them with a powerful stink spray.

The New York Police Department confirmed Monday that a report for assault was filed, alleging that the impacted protesters were sprayed Friday with a foul-smelling odor that caused nausea and headaches. The investigation is ongoing, the department said.

Protest organizations Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace — both of which were suspended by the university in November, sparking national outrage — claimed the spray was “Skunk,” a crowd control chemical developed by the Israeli military.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

How Israel is Deliberately Starving Palestinians

90% of people in Gaza eat less than one meal a day. Those who do eat are lucky if they get bread or a can of beans.

The media is saying Gaza is at risk of famine – but that’s not the full picture.

Gaza death toll surpasses 25,000: Gaza Health Ministry

The death toll in Gaza has reached over 25,000 people, local health officials said Sunday, as Israel presses forward with its campaign to eliminate the threat of Palestinian militant group Hamas.

The Gaza Health Ministry on Sunday said 25,105 people have died in the coastal enclave, while over 62,600 others have been wounded since Hamas launched its surprise assault in southern Israel on Oct. 7. This number included the 178 bodies brought to Gaza’s hospitals since Saturday, the Health Ministry added.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Israel's Netanyahu rejects any Palestinian sovereignty in post-war Gaza, rebuffing Biden

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that he “will not compromise on full Israeli control” over Gaza and that “this is contrary to a Palestinian state,” rejecting U.S. President Joe Biden’s suggestion that creative solutions could bridge wide gaps between the leaders' views on Palestinian statehood.....Read More

Hostage families protest outside Netanyahu's home, ramping up pressure for a truce-for-hostages deal

Relatives of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza protested Saturday outside the home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, expressing frustration over his government’s seeming lack of progress in getting the more than 100 captives released as the war in Gaza drags on.....Read More

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

'Children Are Dying' as Gaza Famine Arrives With 'Incredible Speed'

Gaza's children—already reeling from 102 days of U.S.-backed Israeli bombardment that has killed and maimed tens of thousands of them—are now dying of starvation, with adults likely to soon follow, as famine rapidly grips the besieged Palestinian enclave, doctors and United Nations officials said this week.....Read More

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sanders says Gaza ‘is worse than’ what happened in Dresden during WWII

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza “is worse than” what happened in Dresden, Germany during World War II.

“If I use the word Dresden Germany to you, you think about the horrific destruction during World War II of that city. What is going on in Gaza now in three months, is worse than what took place in Dresden over a two year period. This is a catastrophe,” Sanders said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

White House Staff Relocates After Pro-Palestinian Protesters Damage Anti-Scale Fence Chanting “F**K Joe Biden”

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated in downtown Washington, D.C., on Saturday to call for a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas.

Protesters gathered near the White House in the afternoon, many carrying Palestinian flags and wearing traditional black and white Palestinian scarves known as keffiyeh.

The protests are in response to Israel’s ongoing military operation in Gaza following Hamas’ surprise attack on the state on October 7, 2023.

The March on Washington for Gaza was billed as the largest pro-Palestinian demonstration since the war began.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

South Africa accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza

South African lawyers pushed for the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to order an injunction that will immediately halt Israel’s military action in Gaza.

South African attorneys said Israel has violated the Genocide Convention, an international treaty requiring nations to prevent genocide with 153 countries party to it, including South Africa and Israel.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Sanders calls on Congress to block additional aid to Israel

In a statement on Tuesday, Sanders argued U.S. taxpayers “must no longer be complicit in destroying the lives of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza,” calling the conflict “Netanyahu’s Illegal and Immoral War Against the Palestinian People.”

“The issue we face with Israel-Gaza is not complicated,” Sanders wrote. “While we recognize that Hamas’ barbaric terrorist attack began this war, we must also recognize that Israel’s military response has been grossly disproportionate, immoral, and in violation of international law.”

Monday, January 1, 2024

Unadulterated fear tactics and blatant lies

Harvard University Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz: Who Supports Hamas?

The main groups that comprise the bulk of organizers and demonstrators who have supported the Hamas barbarism against Israel are:

1) Radical Islamic groups that, like the Islamic Republic of Iran after the 1979 revolution, regard Israel as the “Little Satan” and America as the “Big Satan.”

2) American revolutionary groups who used to be affiliated with Communism but now call themselves radical socialists or workers parties. Their goal is to overthrow our government, and they attach themselves to every disruptive movement in the hope of garnering support and creating distrust for American democracy.

3) Old-fashioned anti-Semites who hate anything associated with Jews and concoct conspiracy theories that blame “the Jews” for all evils.

4) Useful idiots who have little or no knowledge of the issues but march in lockstep with all “woke,” “hard left,” and “anti-colonial” causes on the theory that “if it’s left, it must be right.”

Israeli military expects genocide to last all of 2024

The Israeli military is expecting its war with militant group Hamas to continue through all of 2024.....Read More

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Netanyahu rejects claims accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday pushed back against claims that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, calling such accusations “false” after South Africa filed a case against Israel at the U.N.’s top court.....Read More

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Biden administration again bypasses Congress on emergency weapons sale to Israel

For the second time this month the Biden administration is bypassing Congress to approve an emergency weapons sale to Israel as Israel continues to prosecute its war against Hamas in Gaza under increasing international criticism.

The State Department said Friday that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had told Congress that he had made a second emergency determination covering a $147.5 million sale for equipment, including fuses, charges and primers, that is needed to make the 155 mm shells that Israel has already purchased function.


Monday, December 25, 2023

Netanyahu visits Gaza, vows no end to genocide

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited his country’s forces in Gaza on Monday as he insisted Israel would go full force with its attack amid international pressure for an end to the fighting.....Read More

Sunday, December 24, 2023

‘No Christmas as usual’: Pro-Palestinian protestors storm city streets on ‘Super Saturday’

Pro-Palestinian protestors took to the streets on “Super Saturday” en masse, protesting on the day before Christmas Eve, which is often a time shoppers try to pick up last-minute gifts before the holidays.

The “Shut it Down for Palestine” movement, made up of pro-Palestinian groups, had plans to “organize actions to boycott, disrupt, and rally at commercial centers on Dec. 23,” according to the website of the ANSWER Coalition activist group.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The cruelty and futility of Israel’s starvation blockade on Gaza

The debate about the legality of Israel’s attacks, which have reportedly killed at least 20,000 Palestinian civilians, has been dominated by its airstrikes. The Israelis claim they are striking Hamas targets hidden in civilian areas (including hospitals) — rendering any civilian deaths “collateral damage.” Critics of the bombing, in contrast, contend that the Israeli air campaign violates international human law by failing to distinguish between Hamas and ordinary Palestinians and inflicting civilian casualties that are disproportionate to the military advantage gained.....Read More

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

'Cashing in on Genocide': Israeli Firm Pitches Beachfront Real Estate in Leveled Gaza

Palestine defenders this week condemned a proposal by an Israeli real estate developer specializing in the construction of illegal settlements to build beachfront homes for Jewish colonists over the bombed-out ruins of Gaza.

"A house on the beach is not a dream," reads an advertisement published by Harey Zahav—an Israeli company notorious for building settlements in the illegally occupied West Bank—that drew international attention following last week's Practical Preparation for Gaza Settlement Conference in Tel Aviv.