Hello fellow Stogie readers,
I am honored to present my 2023 Sydney Eastman Courage Award to Julio Rodriguez!
At first, when I offered to present Julio with the award, he said “no!” … However, I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving. Julio is the founder of the Ybor City Stogie, a committed activist on behalf of marginalized groups such as Tampa’s homeless community, which he memorializes with his photography.
I met Julio during (per memory) a bus trip to a Fight for 15 rally, in Orlando (again, per memory). This man fights for what he believes in, whether that is an important issue that affects those with less, or advocating on behalf of candidates who are dedicated to empowering the people like Pat Kemp & Max Frost.
Additionally, Julio’s courageous acts led him to helping me drive a 20-foot U-Haul, towing my old Chevy, with myself, two cats, and a hedgehog ALL THE WAY up from Tampa, FL to Bennington, VT. If that isn’t the act of a friend, the act of a courageous individual who CONSISTENTLY puts others before himself, I don’t know what is… Julio embodies the courageous spirit that I saw in Syd Eastman when I met with her all those years ago back at Nikos Diner in East Tampa. I hope you will join me in congratulating Julio, as well as the Tampa Five and Rep. AOC, while remembering Syd Eastman as the symbol for courage in activism, and beyond.
Stay groovy,