Showing posts with label Bill Nelson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Nelson. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rick Scott's Possible Waste, Fraud, Abuse, Violations Of Law

Florida's Sen. Bill Nelson is calling for an investigation into Rick Scott's Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's handling of their new unemployment website that failed as soon as it launched back in October, delayed benefits for months,
 and is still facing problems.....more

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bill Nelson Wants Feds To Look At Ken Detzner's Voter Suppression Efforts

Accusing Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner of trying to “suppress the vote” in an upcoming special congressional election in Pinellas County, Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson said Wednesday he wants the U.S. Department of Justice to look into whether Florida is violating federal law......more

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

ENDA: GOP Bigots Still Said ‘No’!

LGBT Hatred Alive and Well! ENDA Passes Senate 
Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson joined Democrats and a handful of Republicans to move the legislation forward. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio voted against it.
Thank you Mr. Nelson.
ENDA is supported by over 70% of Americans, including 81% of Democrats, 74% of Independents, and 66% of Republicans.  Even among people who think gay people are icky, there is 50% support for ENDA.  In other words, this one is a no-brainer.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Amanda Murphy & Bill Nelson In Holiday

                                            Event Hosts
Representative Mark Danish - Michael Cox - Dr. Larry & Ellen Floriani
John & Karen Ford - Raymond Gadd - Bill & Judy Gibson - Marvin
& Patsy Hickman - Beverly & Michael Ledbetter - Dr. Lynn Lindeman - Jose Ceballos - Ken Savich - Joe & Patty King - Elena McCullough
 With Special Guest
Senator Bill Nelson
Invite You to Join Them in Supporting
Amanda Murphy
Candidate for State Representative District 36
Friday, October 4th  3:30pm – 5:00 pm

Bailey’s Bluff Clubhouse
2021 Gulf View Drive
Please RSVP to Brian Goff (561) 843-1824 or
Josh Weierbach (407) 697-0823 
If you can't attend you can donate by clicking here 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bill Nelson Will Vote Yes For War On Syria

Over 60 protesters stormed his Jacksonville office on Sept. 12, demanding that the senator renounce his support for President Barack Obama’s proposed military strike on Syria......more

Friday, September 6, 2013

Vote No On Military Force In Syria

Call your member of Congress now and tell them to vote 'No' on an Authorization to Use Military Force in Syria? Here are the numbers to call: 
Senator Marco RubioPhone: (202) 224-3041
Senator Bill NelsonPhone: (202) 224-5274
Representative Kathy CastorPhone: (202) 225-3376
Report your call here

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Florida's Bill Nelson - Let The Poor Starve

 28 Senate Democrats voted with the Republicans
Our own Bill Nelson was one of them.
Kirsten Gillibrand a Dem. from NY proposed to restore the $4 billion that the current farm bill--designed by Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Thad Cochran (R-MS)--cuts from SNAP (Supplemental Food Assistance, known as food stamps and to offset this restored funding with a limitation on crop insurance reimbursements. Our current crop insurance subsidies benefit large farms at the expense of smaller ones and are one of the many glaring manifestations of corporate welfare that Congress never fixes.  Gillibrand's amendment would, in essence, cut corporate welfare spending to restore social welfare spending.......more
Click to Take Action
Nelson will be a speaker at the Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. This is the guy the FDP wants to run for governor? Check out Nan Rich. A real democrat.

Monday, June 3, 2013

JJ-Gate: Liberal Champion Nan Rich

Alot is being said about the Florida Democratic Party not allowing Nan Rich to speak at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. RPOF chairman Lenny Curry is loving every minute. Here's a message he sent out to Democrat Voters in Florida, and they have launch a "FreeNanRich" Twitter campaign.
Anthony Man of the Sun Sentinel writes "Republicans are having some fun rubbing salt in the Democratic Party wounds over the state Democratic chairwoman’s refusal to allow gubernatorial candidate Nan Rich a speaking slot at the big party fundraising dinner next month in Hollywood." But fellow Tampa Bay liberal blogger Michael Hussey of Pushing Rope said it best when he wrote: " This has less to do with the FDP and more to do with the DNC clearing the way for a Charlie Crist or Bill Nelson campaign." Why does the Democratic Party always brush aside as Howard Dean put it many years ago "The Democratic wing of the Democratic Party". Lets look at who is speaking, Charlie Crist? Ex Republican, Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Democrat In Name Only and Bill Nelson? Center Right at best.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Florida's Sugar Daddies

Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio
helped defeat, for the second straight year, a move to curtail the federal sugar quota. A big industry in Florida, sugar has close ties to Nelson and Rubio. The Democrat Nelson got more money in the 2012 election cycle than any other member of Congress, $71,250, according to Rubio got $17,400 in his 2010 election and $5,000 in the 2012 cycle. Siding with sugar is one of the few areas Rubio crosses conservative groups such as the Club for Growth.
It dislocates jobs, increases prices for consumers and businesses, and includes a protectionist quota that stifles freer trade," the Club for Growth said.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Defend Social Security in Tampa

Deliver petitions to Sen. Bill Nelson opposing cuts to Social Security.
Senator Nelson's Office in Tampa
Thursday, Apr. 25, at 12:00 PM
Click here for more details and to RSVP.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Doing The Right Thing

Thank You
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson reversed his opposition to gay marriage.
 The Florida House approved the controversial parent trigger proposal.
Local Republicans Reps. Mike Fasano of New Port Richey and Ed Hooper of Clearwater
and all 44 House Democrats voted against the bill.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Call Senator Nelson

Can you call Senator Nelson? Tell him: "Don't be the last one to support equal rights. Can you do the right thing and publicly stand up for marriage equality?"
Here's where to call:
Then, please report your call by
clicking here