Showing posts with label Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Stogie Party: Mr. Blue

Well not exactly but a start. Learn more about the
Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act
lets get our foot in door so that we can kick it in.
Coming 11.4.14

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Bad News For Florida's Right Wing

Medical marijuana will be on the ballot in November,
which is bad news for Gov. Rick Scott and other Republican leaders
who oppose any relaxation of the state’s backward cannabis laws. public surveys continue to show landslide support for medical marijuana, and a majority favoring the decriminalization of small amounts for personal use. This is a thorny problem for conservative Republicans like Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi, who are up for re-election. They now have to sally forth and crusade against a popular cause, trying to stir fear and doubts among a constituency
that’s heard it all before........more>

Read more here:

Read more here:

Friday, January 31, 2014

High Times: Bob & Cathy Jordan

We recently heard about how Florida doctors may soon be able to prescribe medical marijuana to patients in need. So we went to speak with
Bob & Cathy Jordan for their reaction to the
Remember when  Manatee County Narcotics Cops In Ski Masks Raided Their Parrish Home?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Florida Supreme Court Approves Medical Marijuana

The State Supreme Court has approved the ballot language 4-3 - and thus the voters of Florida will get to vote on Medical Marijuana in November 2014.....more>
On November 4th we can make history boys and girls
Tell your friends and VOTE
Stogie's Smoke Shop

Monday, January 27, 2014

St. Pete Based Drug Free America Foundation

Opposes the medical marijuana  initiative and will mount a campaign urging resident to vote “no,”
"We believe that if this gets to the ballot, Floridians will vote wisely and reject it,”
Executive Director Calvina Fay
 May we remind Ms. Fay a recent poll found
65 percent support among Florida voters. Only 23 percent of voters say they oppose it.
VOTE 11.4.14

Friday, January 17, 2014

Florida Marijuana Celebration

1.1 million signed petitions

 Facing considerable opposition from
 Republican lawmakers and Attorney General Pam Bondi.
Concern with high voter turnout and the loss of their jobs.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rocky Mountain High

VOTE Nov. 4, 2014
Weed Sales Begin In Colorado
Colorado recreational marijuana retailers
Make it happen here
Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Florida Marijuana Measure Approaching 900,000 Signatures

Despite the Florida Supreme Court holding up the actual petition over charges that it deceptively would open the floodgates of outright legalization in the Sunshine State from the state attorney general.......more>
Ms Bondi is right. A PolitiFact report on Bondi's argument said it was "mostly true".

Friday, December 20, 2013

Medical Marijuana Day of Action II

Saturday, December 21st
Pick-up OR drop-off locations:
10am-2pm at:Avid Brew, 1745 1st St. S St. Pete
Leader: Cyndi Hamad – (727) 421-7862

10am-2pm at:Chic A Boom Room, 319 Main St. Dunedin
Leader: John Chase – (727) 204-6101

5pm-10pm at:
King Corona Cigars and Café
1523 E. 7th Ave Ybor City
Leader: Bianca Garza – (813) 321-3476

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Florida Medical Marijuana Day Of Action

Time is running out to get medical marijuana on the 2014 ballot.
If you aren't already an active volunteer, we desperately need you to come out this Saturday and help us collect petitions. Saturday is our "Day of Action"- where we amass volunteers in key regions to
Go out and collect petitions to be returned at the end of the day.
 Here's how it works:
Saturday morning, volunteers can meet at the locations below. There, you can grab a stack of petitions, get questions answered from our regional leaders, and get help with finding a good location to collect petitions. Later on, you can drop off and help us celebrate getting
that much closer to our
Tampa Bay
Morning pick-up 10am-12pm at: Avid Brew & Grow Supplies 1745 1st Ave S. St Pete
Evening drop-off 5pm-8pm at: Chic-A-Boom Room, 319 Main St. Dunedin

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bondi Argues For Her Political Career

The Florida Supreme Court will hear arguments today on a medical marijuana ballot initiative proposed for the upcoming 2014 election. Backers of the proposed amendment, People United For Medical Marijuana,
say the politicians arguing against it are twisting the truth in the amendment's wording to prevent the ill and suffering from legally benefiting from relief that medical marijuana provides. But that's not the only reason they oppose it.
Over 80% of Floridians favor legalizing medical marijuana, as does Democrat Charlie Crist. For years, legislators in Tallahassee have blocked laws for it, but as other states legalize it, it's only become more popular. Yet
Pam Bondi, House Speaker Will Weatherford, Rick Scott,
and others are actively opposing it. Why? Do they believe, as they claim, that it could lead to de facto "unfettered" marijuana legalization under the guise of compassionate medicine?
"The proposal hides the fact that the Amendment would make Florida one of the most lenient medical-marijuana states," says Bondi's initial court brief.
Hardly. Bondi's public reasoning against it hides the fact that those opposed to the amendment are Republicans who back Rick Scott and Pam Bondi. That is the actual driving force behind their opposition. Those who favor it tend to vote for Democrats, which could translate to larger Democratic turnout......more 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Landslide Support For Florida Medical Marijuana

Florida voters support 82 – 16 percent allowing adults to legally use marijuana for medical use if it is prescribed by a doctor, according to a new Quinnipiac poll.......more>
Learn more about the Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis