Showing posts with label Charlie Crist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie Crist. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's Crist vs. Crist

Remember the Charlie Crist who in February happily shared a stage in Fort Myers with President Obama? Remember the Charlie Crist who loved the nearly $800 billion economic stimulus plan that only three of his fellow Republicans in Congress voted for? Remember That Charlie Crist?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Empty Chair Charlie's First Priority?

Gov. Charlie Crist says he's not quietly jumping off the John McCain bandwagon now that he appears to be losing ground in the all-important swing state of

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Charlie Crist: When I have time to help, I'll try to do that

Bad news for John McCain is not difficult to come by these days, but perhaps the worst news is that Charlie Crist is shying away. Florida's Republican governor delivered his state for McCain in the primaries, but now looks for ways to avoid his party's presidential

Friday, October 3, 2008

Empty Chair Charlie Holds Feeney Fundraiser

Crist will be holding a fundraiser for Representative Tom Feeney on Tuesday. Not only is Feeney currently under investigation by the FBI for his connection to corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff, but Feeney was named one of the
Most Corrupt Members of Congress four years in a

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gov. Charlie Crist's New Economic Plan: "Go to Disney World"

Empty Chair Charlie's Empty Suit made a roaring comeback with the Sarasota Herald Tribune's Capitol Comments Blog reporting that after weeks of ignoring the fact that Floridians are suffering under the
Bush-McCain-Crist failed economic polices,
Crist has finally laid out his new economic plan: "Go to Disney World" he said when ducking questions about the economic recovery plan being debated in