Showing posts with label Charlie Crist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie Crist. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chris Christie In Florida To Campaign For Rick Scott

Scott campaigning with one of his party's least-liked major candidates to run for president, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie? The last time Christie came to Florida, he hid from the news media. here

Charlie Crist gets Bill Clinton, Scott gets this guy.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Weekend of Action In South Tampa

Sunday, September 14ᵗʰ
Shifts begin at 12:30 pm 
2533 W Maryland Ave, Tampa


Monday, September 8, 2014

Florida What Is Wrong With You?

 Haven't you had enough!
New polling shows Gov. Rick Scott leading Charlie Crist 
43 to 41 percent. here
Democrats still outnumber Republicans among Florida’s registered voters. 
So why do they get to rule? On 11.4.14, do your thing!

It must hurt, you are getting fucked by an  elephant.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bill Clinton In Miami

"I saw the African-Americans, the Hispanics, the other new immigrants standing there, waiting as long as it took and they said: 'You can take our advanced voting away, you can make it harder to vote, you can try to disempower us. But we do not give you permission to do that. This is our country, too."
57 Days left untill E-Day. Democrats still outnumber Republicans among 
Florida’s registered voters. Why do they get to rule? 
When is Scott bringing in George and Jeb?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014

welcome President Clinton to Florida

On Friday, September 5th, 
President Bill Clinton will join Charlie Crist 
for a grassroots event in Miami. here

Sunday, August 31, 2014

This election will not be about Charlie Crist

The Lack Of Enthusiasm For 
Crist's Candidacy
Florida Progressive Coalition head 
Susan Smith has been less than enthusiastic about Charlie Crist winning the Democratic nomination for governor. 
This election will not be about Charlie Crist
It will be about AmendmentWant to win? 
Fire Up the Milleniums
 Generation X and Baby Boomers.

Get out the VOTE 
one-issue voters - down-ballot

Help United For Care here
Become a Kush Liberty Freedom Fighter here

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Florida Dems Boot Blogger Javier Manjarres From Crist Event

The Florida Democrat Party booted Right Wing Florida blogger Javier Manjarres from their Charlie Crist event in Fort Lauderdale, 
They said he wasn't legitimate media.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


It's bizarre. Florida leans ever so slightly Democratic in high turnout presidential elections, but Democrats are virtually powerless and irrelevant in Tallahassee. No question the state is trending Democratic. here @adamsmithtimes

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jon Rector Speaks Out

And, for the incessant Republican robocallers: We voted for Charlie Crist. Florida has suffered enough at the hands of the Chief 
Executive Orifice Prick Scott. 
After Scott and his minions threw their support to Nan Rich, she was no longer a viable candidate. A vote for Rich would be the same as a vote for Scott.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Annette Taddeo Bus Tour In Tampa

At Al Lopez Park 
  Traveling on a yellow school bus, Democratic candidate for governor Charlie Crist toured the state last week to tell Floridians that public schools would fare better under his watch than that of Gov. Rick Scott. here

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Florida Billionaire Environmentalist

Vows to Take Rick Scott DOWN Tom Steyer 
has founded a Florida political committee, seeded it with $750,000 of his own money, and says he’ll spend far more to help Democrat 
Charlie Crist defeat Gov. Rick Scott. here

Read more here:

Thursday, July 31, 2014

January 6, 2015 - First Day of Fairness

At a press conference today in St. Petersburg, Crist announced that if elected Governor, he will make January 6, 2015 a “First Day of Fairness” by signing five Executive Orders, including an Executive Order to “prohibit any form of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity within the state agencies or its contractors — because all Floridians should be equal in the eyes of the law.” here

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Charlie Crist and Rick Scott Both Suck

Democrat Charlie Crist and Republican incumbent Rick Scott are teetering on becoming the least-liked pair of candidates for any governor’s race 
in the past 10 years. here

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Charlie Crist Leads Rick Scott By 6

A new SurveyUSA poll shows 
Charlie Crist leading Florida GOP Rick Scott 
in the governor's race 
by six points, 46% to 40%. here

Wednesday, July 9, 2014