Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Tampa city leaders look to reduce heat risk in city ahead of summer

Tampa city leaders are set to discuss ways to reduce the city's heat risk, which is the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the United States.....Read More

Monday, May 20, 2024

Researchers studying ‘doomsday glacier’ make worrying discovery

Antarctica’s “doomsday glacier,” referred to as such for its potential to dramatically raise global sea levels, is melting faster than we thought thanks to warmer sea water passing below it, according to a new study.

Video and article HERE

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Watchdog Warns America’s Power Grid Could Buckle Under Sweltering Summer Heat

According to a new report by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), significant portions of the U.S. are at risk of blackouts during the summer months.....Read More

DeSantis signs bill erasing the term ‘climate change’ from state law

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation (HB 1645) on Wednesday that will erase several instances of the words “climate change” from state statutes and restructure the state’s fossil fuel-based energy policy that listed climate change as a priority when making energy policy decisions.

The priority now is to ensure “an adequate, reliable and cost-effective supply of energy for the state in a manner that promotes the health and welfare of the public and economic growth,” as spelled out in a legislative analysis.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Florida joins a legal challenge against a new EPA rule to reduce power plant carbon pollution that is contributing to global warming

Florida and two dozen other states Thursday filed a legal challenge to a new U.S. Environmental Protection rule aimed at reducing carbon emissions from power plants.....Read More

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Florida looking at a hotter-than-average summer, NOAA says

You may want to clean out the kiddie pool and dust off the patio furniture early this year. We’re in for a hot start to summer, according to a national weather outlook released Thursday by the National Weather Service.....Read More

Monday, April 15, 2024

Most coral reef areas experienced bleaching in past year

Coral reefs around the globe experienced a mass bleaching event in the past year as the ocean continues to heat, according to new research.

The impacted reefs include those in Florida, the Caribbean, parts of the Eastern Tropical Pacific like Costa Rica and Panama, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, parts of the South Pacific, the Persian Gulf, and the Gulf of Aden, researchers said.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

After climate tipping points, change will come slowly, then all at once

The planetary danger signals are increasing. Climate scientists are beginning to worry we may be at a terrifying juncture, where the climate shifts dramatically from one state to another. An abrupt global warming episode, during which climate changes happen in decades not centuries, and interrelated tipping points cascade into one another amplifying the sudden shift in the world climate, pushing the planet out of the temperate sweet spot we humans have been lucky enough to live in.....Read More

Friday, March 8, 2024

Climate change’s impacts on coastal cities could be heightened as those cities sink: Study

Sea level rise caused by the changing climate is expected to wreak havoc on the nation’s coastal cities, impacts that could be heightened in the years ahead as the cities themselves are sinking, according to a study published this week.....Read More

Thursday, November 30, 2023

To avert climate disaster, we need firm commitments on cutting methane at COP28

The key goal of the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) negotiations beginning in Dubai this week must be to limit fast-rising temperatures, to prevent runaway warming that could destabilize the global climate system and inflict devastating floods, heat waves, fires and other disastrous impacts on billions of people around the globe. While a number of other outcomes are important in Dubai, they must be subsidiary to the crucial test of slowing near-term global temperature rises and preventing climate calamity.....Read More

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Global Temperature Exceeds 2 °C (35.6 °F) Threshold For First Time on Record

The global average temperature on Friday was more than two degrees Celsius hotter than pre-industrial levels for the first time on record, Europe's Copernicus climate monitor said Monday, adding Saturday likely continued the unprecedented warming streak.....Read More

Friday, October 27, 2023

Antarctica’s glaciers are melting from beneath, speeding sea-level rise

Hidden rivers of meltwater are decaying Antarctica’s glaciers from beneath, a new study has found — meaning sea levels are likely rising faster than scientists had feared.

The study focused on two Antarctic glaciers — which collectively hold enough water to raise global sea levels by 5 feet.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Are climate and energy policies under Governor Ron DeSantis helping or hurting Florida?

The earth’s rapidly heating climate is already impacting Florida with dangerous heat waves, scorching oceans and strong storms.

Meanwhile, Governor Ron DeSantis is pledging to promote fossil fuel development instead of renewable energy.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

This summer was a global record breaker for high heat, meteorologists say

Earth has sweltered through its hottest Northern Hemisphere summer ever measured, with a record warm August capping a season of brutal and deadly temperatures, according to the World Meteorological Organization.....MORE

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Kids’ landmark Montana court win adds momentum to fight for climate protections

Youth climate activists’ landmark legal victory against the state of Montana last week could set the stage for wider recognition of rights to protection from climate change, with litigants potentially challenging state permitting for fossil fuel projects directly.....MORE

Monday, August 14, 2023

Judge sides with youth in Montana climate change trial, finds two laws unconstitutional

Eleven of the 16 youth plaintiffs in the Held v. Montana case pose for a photo after Day 5 of the trial on Friday, June 16, 2023. Top row (left to right): Lander Busse, Badge Busse, Grace, Rikki Held, Olivia. Bottom row (left to right): Kian, Mica, Claire, Eva, Taleah, Sariel. (Photo by Blair Miller, Daily Montanan)

The state of Montana’s failure to consider greenhouse gas emissions from energy and mining projects violates the state constitution because it does not protect Montanans’ right to a clean and healthful environment and the state’s natural resources from unreasonable depletion, a judge ruled Monday in a victory for the 16 youth plaintiffs who sued the state.....MORE

Friday, August 4, 2023

Kathy Castor still upset over DeSantis veto that cost FL $350 million in energy funds

Tampa Bay area Democratic Congresswoman Kathy Castor remains livid that Gov. Ron DeSantis turned down $354 million for energy-efficient measures provided through federal legislation signed into law by President Joe Biden.....MORE

Monday, July 24, 2023

100 degree bay temperatures near the Florida Keys. A new World Record?

On Monday, at about 7:30 p.m., water temperatures in Manatee Bay registered at 101F. Ordinarily meteorologists would assume the gauge was broken, but at least 3 sites in the region registered 98 or greater today, so this adds some credibility. And this comes amidst weeks of record breaking water temperatures in Florida Bay and the Keys.....MORE

Sunday, July 16, 2023

California’s Death Valley reaches 128 degrees

Long the hottest place on Earth, Death Valley put a sizzling exclamation point Sunday on a record warm summer that is baking nearly the entire globe by flirting with some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded, meteorologists said.....MORE